Ramsey Harvey is a Health Educator and Medicine Maker. Since 2013 she has been teaching outdoors in the fields of gardening, nutrition and experiential education. Ramsey enjoys working within an ecological framework and increasing collaboration between plant and human communities. Ramsey currently works at the FRC CDC as Head Cook and Rethink Industries as a Substance Abuse Counselor. She holds a BA in Holistic & Ecological Wellness through Recreation. Ramsey is also a mom of 2 and lives on a hobby farmstead.
Wendy DeOcampo has been a student of plants for the last 25 years and is currently enrolled in Rosemary Gladstar’s Science and Art of Herbalism Course. Wendy loves to share her passion for herbal medicine with her friends and family and is excited to expand offerings to her greater community. Wendy is the owner of Meadow Valley Botanicals, which specializes in hand crafted goat milk soap, lotions and a variety of herbal delights. She runs a family business and homestead with her husband and is a founding member of the Wild Mountain Herbal Collective.
Melody O’Brien has been practicing herbalism at home since she became a mother in 2004 and has been deepening her knowledge as a student of Alchemical Herbalism through the School of Evolutionary Herbalism over the past 5 years. Melody is dedicated to inspiring and educating folks on the wonders of Plant Medicine through the Wild Mountain Herbal Collective and through her Plant Medicine Mandalas (melodymoonbrooke.com)
Melody serves the local horse community as a natural hoof care practitioner and is grateful to call Plumas County home. |
Shelley Morrison has been enjoying living in Plumas County for over 40 years. She loves to learn about the plants that grow in her community and enjoys transforming some of them into salves, tinctures, massage oils, lotions, cough syrups, etc.. She sells some of these locally (Shell's Soothing Salves). The family home was know by her daughter's friends as the home where "weird and wonderful things are made." It was fun to turn young people on to herbal alternatives. She is also a certified Flower Essence Practitioner and Massage Therapist.
Terri Rust has been in awe of plants since she was very young and learned she could forage off the land when she and her brother went on long explorations together. She believes strongly in the healing wisdom of our plant allies and in creating relationship with local native flora. She has taught several classes on native plants at Feather River College. Her current day job is monitoring and restoring mountain meadows, and she is excited to be part of this wonderful collective.
Leslie Conner has been a radically resilient entrepreneur in Plumas County for over 30 years and has been growing wild since 2018 with her new business venture Forest & Farm, LLC. The regenerative farmstead model recognizes Earth as the ultimate teacher and seeks to exemplify wholesome living practices through: conscious animal husbandry; organic fruit & vegetable production; medicinal herb integration; biodynamic agriculture; and permaculture strategies. Leslie’s diverse background in cultural anthropology, fire science, waste management, multi-sport coaching, equine studies, and 4-H youth leadership has served to enhance the local community in countless ways. She holds certificates in AromaTouch Therapy, Eco-Sustainable Farming, Wellness Advocacy, and is a certified California Naturalist. Leslie is currently on University of Earth’s Board of Directors, as well as the Wild Mountain Herb Collective BOD and is acting Secretary. Budding interests include integrous wild foraging, adaptogens, holotropic breathwork, long-distance running, solo backcountry exploration, and astrology